Thursday, July 06, 2006

Lights, Camera, Action!

The training room at the library gets transformed for a taping of a local cable show about the library. Thiên was the spokesperson for the computer training program, while Sonia conducted a fake class for the sake of the camera. Everyone did great, even with the fits of giggles (you should take Word I first!).
Being directed, as if Thiên needs any direction, she's a Natural Born Superstar! Sarah and Soñia sit amongst the "students".


  1. Being in front of the camera made me nervous and a little barfy. Ecspecially when the "students" were laughing and I'm trying not to.

  2. wow look at all those beautiful computers and flatscreen monitors - so is this for an episode of "Lost"?


  3. I had a script and of course I was all over the place and didn't follow it as planned. OMG, and then my lips kept sticking to my teeth. I should have used more lip gloss!!
